Mid Sussex is a local government district in West Sussex.

It includes the towns of East Grinstead, Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill.


Find your local councillor

The Council comprises 48 elected Councillors. The political balance of the Council is: 20 Liberal Democrat, 18 Conservative, 4 Green, 4 Independent Group, 1 Burgess Hill Independent and 1 Labour.

The work of a councillor includes:

  • Holding surgeries to gather the views of local people
  • Supporting local organisations
  • Campaigning on local issues
  • Developing links with the community

Councillors are not paid wages but they are entitled to allowances and expenses. For more details please take a look at Councillor's allowances and expenses.

All councillors follow a code of conduct and must declare any financial interests or gifts.

Standards Committee

The Council has a Standards Committee, which has a number of duties relating to the promotion of high standards of conduct by councillors, reviewing and monitoring complaints under the Council's Complaints Procedure and monitoring the operation of the Councillors' Code of Conduct.

Independent Persons for Standards

Independent persons work alongside the council's Standards Committee to help ensure high standards of probity are maintained among elected members at all levels in Mid Sussex.

The Council has appointed Amanda Rogers, Wendy Swinton-Eagle and Paul Cummins for a four year term of office running to conclude in April 2028. For more information on their role please refer to the Councillors' Code of Contact page above.

Councillors Privacy Notice

Elected members are data controllers in their own right and must ensure that any personal information they hold/use in their office as an elected member is treated in line with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Councillors Privacy Notice

The Leader

The Leader of the Council is elected by the full Council for a period of four years. The Leader of the Council is Councillor Robert Eggleston.

The Chairman

The Chairman of the Council is the 'first citizen' and the most important civic appointment in the Mid Sussex District.

By custom, it is usual for the Chairman to be accorded precedence in his/her own District over everyone except His Majesty The King and members of the Royal Family, or the Lord Lieutenant of the County when he/she is representing the Crown.

The Cabinet

The Cabinet consists of the Council Leader and four extra councillors chosen by the Council Leader. You can find more about them by visiting the Cabinet members page.

The decisions of the Cabinet are monitored and scrutinised by the following Committees:

Council Meetings, Agendas and Minutes

Council officers

Council officers are paid staff members working for Mid Sussex District Council. Please see our list of Senior Council officers for more details.

How the Council is run

We produce a Corporate Plan showing how we will deliver our services, please see our Finance Reports page for information.

Last updated: 21 January 2025