Council proposes the extension of measures to curb car cruising

PR2490/MC/MF - 03/02/2023

Mid Sussex District Council will consider the extension of measures to curb car cruising next month.

The Council’s Scrutiny Committee for Community, Leisure and Parking met on Wednesday 1 February to discuss the use of Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) to deter anti-social driving. The committee recommended to Full Council that the PSPO in Burgess Hill is extended by a further three years and two additional areas are introduced along the A2300 and at Birches Industrial Estate, Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead.

A Public Spaces Protection Order has been in operation in Burgess Hill since 2020 to prohibit anti-social driving activities such as speeding or racing, excessive noise and performing stunts. The measures have proven to be an effective deterrent, with complaints from residents about car cruising falling from 140 in the two years before the PSPO was introduced to just 38 complaints since.

The existing Public Spaces Protection Order in Burgess Hill is due to expire in April 2023. Mid Sussex District Council conducted a public consultation in November and December 2022 on the extension of the PSPO in Burgess Hill and the introduction of additional measures along the A2300 and at Birches Industrial Estate, East Grinstead. Most people were supportive of proposals to extend the PSPO in Burgess Hill and include the A2300 and Birches Industrial Estate, with only two people opposed to the plans.

Councillor Norman Webster, Cabinet Member for Community said:

“Before we introduced the Public Spaces Protection Order in Burgess Hill we would often be contacted by residents and businesses who were being disturbed by car meet ups that caused excessive noise and performed dangerous stunts.

“We’ve worked closely with Sussex Police on these issues and they, along with local Town, Parish Councils and members of the public who responded to our consultation are fully supportive of our plans to extend and expand these Public Spaces Protection Orders.

“This anti-social behaviour has a hugely detrimental impact on the quality of life of residents living nearby, so I’m really pleased that Scrutiny Committee is recommending these enhanced measures to Full Council. I look forward to them being adopted so we can continue to put the brakes on car cruising.”