Mid Sussex District Council extends food waste collection trial
PR2024011 - 11/03/2024

Mid Sussex District Council is thrilled to announce the extension of its successful food waste collection trial, demonstrating its ongoing dedication to sustainable waste management practices. Following a vote by Full Council on February 28, the decision reflects the Council's commitment to building a greener, more environmentally conscious community.
Since its launch in 2022, the food waste trial has received plenty of praise and has delivered promising results among the participating households. Building on this positive momentum, the Council is thrilled to unveil plans to expand the trial later this year, welcoming an additional 2000 residents to participate. This expansion ensures that an even greater number of residents can benefit from responsible waste management practices.
Councillor Chris Hobbs, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Customer Services at Mid Sussex District Council, said: “We are so pleased that the food trial has been so well-received and as a result of this positive feedback, we are really excited to announce that we will be extending the programme. On average, participating households have reduced the waste in their bins by an impressive two kilograms per week and it’s been fantastic to see our community adopting to new, sustainable habits and helping to reduce waste.
“We are also thrilled to announce that we will be able to expand the food waste trial to include 2000 more households later this year. By taking these proactive measures now, we're not only improving our environment but are getting ahead of the curve for the forthcoming 2026 legislation on waste management.”
Residents in the trial area will be notified of its extension via a letter. To find out more about the trial, visit www.midsussex.gov.uk/123collections