Planning is approved for Burgess Hill Centre for Outdoor Sport
PR2024015 - 21/03/2024

Mid Sussex District Council is pleased to announce that the planning application has been approved for the new state-of-the-art Centre for Outdoor Sport in Burgess Hill.
Situated on an 8.6-hectare block of land within the Brookleigh development, the Centre for Outdoor Sport will provide first-class facilities for the district and would not have been possible without the support from with Homes England. The sports mix, refined over three years through extensive engagement, consultation and data analysis, will complement the district's existing sports infrastructure, offering a variety of sports like football, rugby, and cricket.
The proposed layout includes features such as a floodlit 3G football pitch, an artificial grass rugby pitch, a modern changing facility, three junior natural turf football pitches, a full-sized natural turf football pitch, and an artificial cricket wicket with a turf outfield. Additionally, a fully equipped play area will cater for the younger members of the community, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all.
The Centre for Outdoor Sports and Brookleigh are focused on creating a vibrant community with facilities to support active, healthy lifestyles and access to outdoor space, with over half of Brookleigh dedicated to public open space. Although a small number of trees will be removed for site development at the Centre for Outdoor Sport, the Council and Homes England are committed to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity with a thorough planting plan and ensuring all trees are replaced by their native counterpart. This guarantees a net increase in the number of trees, meets biodiversity goals, and felled trees will be repurposed on-site for ecological benefits including creating new natural habitats. Overall, more than 200,000 new trees and shrubs will be planted as part of the wider Brookleigh development.
Chris Hobbs, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Customer Services, said: "We are really pleased to see the approval of the Centre for Outdoor Sport in Burgess Hill, a facility that will undoubtedly become a cornerstone of community life, and we are eagerly looking forward to commencing the work on this project later this month.
“This achievement marks a significant milestone in our journey, and we extend our gratitude to Homes England for their invaluable partnership. Together, we are working to create an exceptional recreational hub that will enhance the lives of residents and sports enthusiasts both in our local community and also further afield.
“The development of the CFOS is just, however, one piece of the jigsaw of sports provision across the district. We are working with a number of community groups and sports clubs to review what's already in place and to explore new opportunities for improvement.”
Graham Hyslop, Project Director at Homes England, said: “The Centre for Outdoor Sport will be a fantastic facility for Burgess Hill, providing access to top-quality sports provision. Homes England is committed to providing the right supporting infrastructure to enable Brookleigh to grow into a sustainable community. We’re working closely with Mid Sussex District Council to see this new community come to life.”
The acquisition of the site by Mid Sussex District Council incurs no costs to residents' council tax funds, as it is generously provided by Homes England, the Government’s housing and regeneration agency. Furthermore, Homes England is contributing £4.75 million through Section 106 funding towards the development and future maintenance of the facility. The entire £6 million project cost will be fully covered by Section 106 contributions from local developments.
As the project progresses, stakeholders, residents, and sports enthusiasts are encouraged to keep up to speed with opportunities for engagement via the Mid Sussex District Council Engagement Hub. To find out more, please visit:
For more information about progress at Brookleigh, follow the Facebook page @Brookleigh.BH or visit the website at