A Licensing Act 2003 Club Premises Certificate authorises members clubs to provide alcohol and other club activities for their members and guests.

The certificate will allow the holder to use the licensed premises for the sale and supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late-night refreshment.

It will be of unlimited duration unless otherwise requested.

The application process for a:

  • New club premises certificate
  • Or the variation of an existing club premises certificate

is the same as a premises licence.

They are subject to the same full consultation and advertisement process.

Please visit our Premises licence page for more information.

Regulated entertainment

The events listed below are considered to be 'entertainment' provided that they take place in the presence of an audience with the intention of entertainment.

  • A performance of a play
  • An exhibition of a film
  • An indoor sporting event
  • A boxing or wrestling entertainment
  • A performance of live music
  • Any playing of recorded music
  • A performance of a dance
  • Any combination of playing live or recorded music and dancing

Please read the Licensing Act 2003 for a full and detailed explanation of regulated entertainment.

How do I apply?


Club Premises Certificate Application

You will also need to print out and sign a Club premises certificate print declaration.

Please note: If you submit your application via the online process, the Licensing Authority will forward copies of it and all documents to the Responsible Authorities.

Payment is by card.

Paper applications:

Print out and complete the forms below. Cheques are payable to ‘Mid Sussex District Council’.


If the application is NOT submitted electronically, a copy of all printed applications must be copied and sent to:

How is the application decided?

The application is subject to a 28 day consultation process with the statutory Responsible Authorities and the public. 

A 'representation' can be made by anyone. They must address one, all or a combination of the four licensing objectives.

These are:

  1. Prevention of Crime and Disorder
  2. Public safety
  3. Prevention of a Public Nuisance
  4. Prevention of harm to children and young persons

If no representations are received the licence can be issued.

If there are relevant representations the matter will be decided at a Licensing Committee hearing. 

How long will it take?

Under normal circumstances the entire process will take 2 months from application to issue of the certificate.

What else will I need to do?


You must advertise the application if:

  • You are applying for a new Club Premises Certificate
  • You are applying to vary an existing Club Premises Certificate
  • If a premises is proposed to be built, is under construction, or being extended / altered for use for licensed activities

Please read our Premises and licenses advert guidance and template for more information.


You must provide a plan of the premises showing:

  • The boundary of the building and any external and internal walls
  • The location of entry and exit points
  • The location of escape routes from the premises
  • The area which will be used for licensable activity(ies)
  • All fixed structures including furniture or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location
  • The location and height of any stage or raised area relative to the floor.
  • The location of steps, stairs, elevators or lifts
  • The location of toilet and other shared facilities
  • The location of any kitchens
  • The location and type of any fire safety and any other safety equipment including - if applicable - marine safety equipment

Please note: Plans for written and electronic applications must be in a format which is 'clear and legible in all material respects'.

There is no requirement for plans to be professionally drawn as long as they clearly show all the prescribed information.


Premises Licence

Under the Licensing Act 2003 premises will pay a 'one-off' fee for grant of a Club Premises Certificate and then pay an annual charge for the licence thereafter.

The charge is based on the rateable value of the property.

Rateable bands and their fees:

The rateable values that the fee bands are based on are as follows:

  • Band A - no rateable value to £4,300
  • Band B - £4,301 - £33,000
  • Band C - £33,001-£87,000
  • Band D - £87,001- £125,000

Band E - £125,000 and above

Rateable value bands A B C D E
Main application fee £100  £190  £315  £450  £635
Main annual charge  £70  £180  £295  £320  £350

Annual fee

The licensing authority must suspend a Club Premises Certificate if the holder of the licence has failed to pay the annual licence fee.

Please note: You will no longer be able to carry out any licensable activities if your licence is suspended.

Carrying out unlicensed licensable activities carries a fine of up to £20,000 and up to 6 months imprisonment upon conviction.

Variation of an existing Club Premises Certificate - as per application fee

The rateable values that the fee bands are based on are as follows:

Minor Variation of an existing premises licence: £89

Application for a Provisional Statement: £315

Contact us

Email: licensing@midsussex.gov.uk

Last updated: 26 February 2025