
A premises licence is required for all premises - including open air events that:

  • Sell alcohol or
  • Put on regulated entertainment or
  • Serve drinks or hot food between 11pm and 5am

A new premises licence application is subject to:

  • A minimum of 28 days consultation
  • Public notice advertising in a local newspaper
  • Advertising at the premises

Any person (aged at least 18) or business, recognised clubs, charities, a proprietor of educational establishments and health service bodies may apply for a premises licence.

How do I apply?

Before you start please read:


Apply for a Premises Licence

Payment is by card.

Please note: If you submit your application via the online process, the Licensing Authority will forward copies of it and all documents to the Responsible Authorities.

Applications must include a plan of the premises.

Paper applications

Print out and complete the forms below. Cheques are payable to ‘Mid Sussex District Council’.


A copy of all printed applications and support documents must be copied and sent to:

Applications must include a plan of the premises and the relevant fee.

How is the application decided?

The application is subject to a 28 day consultation process with the statutory Responsible Authorities and the public. 

A 'representation' can be made by anyone. They must address one, all or a combination of the four licensing objectives.

These are:

  1. Prevention of Crime and Disorder
  2. Public safety
  3. Prevention of a Public Nuisance
  4. Prevention of harm to children and young persons

One of the Responsible Authorities that are consulted as part of the application process is West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service. As part of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, a licensed premises has always been required to have a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA). Applications that are submitted without a FRA are likely to receive a representation from the Responsible Authority on the licensing objective of public safety.

The Fire Risk Assessment for applications can be emailed directly to the Licensing Team at

If no representations are received the licence can be issued.

If there are relevant representations the matter will be decided at a Licensing Committee hearing. 


You must provide a plan of the premises showing:

  • The boundary of the building and any external and internal walls
  • The location of entry and exit points
  • The location of escape routes from the premises
  • The area which will be used for licensable activity(ies)
  • Show all fixed structures including furniture or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location
  • The location and height of any stage or raised area relative to the floor.
  • The location of steps, stairs, elevators, or lifts
  • The location of toilet and other shared facilities
  • The location of any kitchens
  • The location and type of any fire safety and any other safety equipment including - if applicable - marine safety equipment

Please note: Plans for written and electronic applications must be in a format which is ‘clear and legible in all material respects’.

There is no requirement for plans to be professionally drawn as long as they clearly show all the prescribed information.


Premises Licence

Under the Licensing Act 2003, premises will pay for a 'one-off' fee for grant of a premises licence and then pay an annual charge for the licence thereafter.

The charge is based on the rateable value of the property.

Rateable bands and their fees

The rateable values that the fee bands are based on are as follows:

  • Band A - no rateable value to £4,300
  • Band B - £4,301 - £33,000
  • Band C - £33,001-£87,000
  • Band D - £87,001- £125,000
  • Band E - £125,000 and above
Rateable value bands A B C D E
Main application fee £100 £190 £315 £450 £635
Main annual charge £70 £180 £295 £320 £350

A multiplier will be applied to town and city centre pubs in bands D and E if they are exclusively or primarily in the business of selling alcohol:

Band D (x2) E(x3)
City/Town Centre pub application fee £900 £1905
City/Town Centre pub annual charge £640 £1050

Annual fee

The licensing authority must suspend a Premises Licence if the holder of the licence has failed to pay the annual licence fee.

Please note: You will no longer be able to carry out any licensable activities if your licence is suspended.

Carrying out unlicensed licensable activities carries a penalty of a fine of up to £20,000 and up to 6 months imprisonment upon conviction.

Variation of an existing Premises Certificate - as per application fee

Minor Variation of an existing premises licence: £89

Application for a Provisional Statement: £315

How long will it take?

Under normal circumstances the application process takes two months to decide the application.

What else will I need to do?


You must advertise the application if:

  • You are applying for a new Premises Licence
  • Applying for a new Club Premises Certificate
  • Applying to vary an existing Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate
  • If a premises is proposed to be built, is under construction, or being extended / altered for use for licensed activities

Please read our Premises and licenses advert guidance and template for more information.

Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)

Consent of individual to being specified as premises supervisor form

Any premises where alcohol is supplied under a premises licence must have a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) who is named on the licence.

The DPS is required to be a personal licence holder and will be the first point of contact for:

  • Licensing authorities
  • Police
  • Fire services
  • Trading Standards officers

The DPS is responsible for the promotion of the Licensing Objectives at the site.

Please note: An offence will be committed if the person named as the Designated Premises Supervisor on the application form does not hold a personal licence and alcohol is supplied on the premises.

Other licensing notices

Notification of interest in premises

A person with a property interest in a licensed premises may give notice requiring the Licensing Authority to notify them of any application at that premises.

Interim Authority Notice

Following the death or insolvency of a licence holder this notice is used to transfer the premise licence to a representative's name. There is a time limit of 28 days from the event date.

Please note: This process is subject to strict time limits - which if not complied with will result in the licence lapsing. We advise that you contact the Licensing Team in such instances.

Application for a provisional statement

Used when premises are being built or planned.

Online: Premises license online application forms

Contact us


Last updated: 26 February 2025