Local Political Parties

Name Contact Details
Conservative Association – Mid Sussex

Tel: 01444-616686
Email: info@msca.org.uk
Website: Conservative Association – Mid Sussex website

Conservative Association – Horsham Tel: 01403-242000
Email: office@horshamconservatives.com
Website: Conservative Association – Horsham website
Conservative Association – Arundel & South Downs Tel: 01903-332332
Email: agent@southdownsconservatives.com
Green Party Mid Sussex Constituency Tel: 07970-061718
Email: elections@midsussex.greenparty.org.uk
Website: https://midsussex.greenparty.org.uk/
The Labour Party – Mid Sussex Constituency Tel: 01444-250600
Website: http://www.midsussexlabour.org.uk/
The Labour Party – Hassocks and Hurstpierpoint Branch, Arundel & South Downs Constituency Tel: 01273-844183
Email: hurstandhassocksblp@gmail.com
The Labour Party – Horsham Constituency Tel: 01403-252149
Email: chair@horsham-labour.org.uk
Website: The Labour Party – Horsham Constituency website
Liberal Democrats Website: Liberal Democrats website
Mid Sussex Liberal Democrats Tel: 01444-230979
Email: Info@midsussexlibdems.org.uk
Website: Mid Sussex Liberal Democrats website
Liberal Democrats – Horsham Constituency Tel: 01403-255442
Email: contact@istarbright.co.uk
UKIP HQ Tel: 0800-587-6587
Website: www.ukip.org
UKIP – SE Regional Office Tel: 01903-885573
Email: ukipse3@ukipsoutheast.org
UKIP – West Sussex Office Tel: 01798-872734
Email: john@ukipwsx.org
Website: www.ukipwsx.org
UKIP – Arundel and South Downs Constituency Tel: 01798-872734
Email: john@ukipwsx.org
UKIP – Arundel and South Downs Constituency Tel: 01243-553217
Email: jeannie@hunterdunning.co.uk
 UKIP – Horsham Constituency Tel: 01403-790016
Email: aldridges@home.3b.co.u
 UKIP – Horsham Constituency Tel: 01403-252835
mail: martin.bridewell@btinternet.com
Website: www.ukiphorsham.org
 The Official Monster Raving Loony Party Tel: 01444-881923
Email: BVONTHUND@aol.com
Website: The Official Monster Raving Loony Party website

You may also wish to contact one of the council group leaders:

Gary Marsh
Tel: 01444 811 320
Email: gary.marsh@midsussex.gov.uk

Liberal Democrat
Robert Eggleston
Tel: 01444 242 953
Email: robert.eggleston@midsussex.gov.uk

Matthew Cornish
01444 232 030
Email: matthew.cornish@midsussex.gov.uk

Independent Councillors
Ian Gibson
Email: ian.gibson@midsussex.gov.uk

Paul Kenny
07850 848102
Email: paul.kenny@midsussex.gov.uk

Burgess Hill Independent
Peter Chapman
07779 968 307
Email: peter.chapman@midsussex.gov.uk

Please also take a look at the Register of Political Parties on the Electoral Commission website

If you intend to stand as an independent candidate the please contact the Electoral Services team for information on the electoral process.


Tellers are the people who ask voters for their poll numbers when they leave the polling station. They are used by each of the main political parties to help with their election campaigns.

Please note: Tellers have no standing in electoral law and are not connected with the official election process.

Please take a look at our Guidance for Tellers.

Contact us

Electoral Services
Email: elections@midsussex.gov.uk

Last updated: 19 July 2024