Your Circumstances
Connection to Mid Sussex
Close relatives A close relative is defined as a parent, adult child, brother, sister, step-brother or step-sister.
Living and working in Mid Sussex To check if an address is in the Mid Sussex District Council area, please try your post code here:
Over 55
None of the above

You are able to join the Mid Sussex Housing Register

Please complete our Housing register application form

You are not able to join the Mid Sussex Housing Register

We're sorry but you are not able to join Mid Sussex District Council's Housing Register. Please email Sussex Homemove for further advice.

If you are unable to complete the online version of the form and do not have a friend, family member or support worker who can assist you, please contact the Homemove Team at 0300 333 6715 to discuss how to join the Housing Register. A paper version of the form is available on request.

Last updated: 08 September 2023