Getting into Employment
The benefit changes are designed to offer incentives for people to start working. There are a number of sources of help for getting into work.
Department of Works and Pensions (DWP)
The DWP website provides a job search, support to apply for jobs, write CVs and prepare for an interview. As well as this, Gov.UK provides claimants with information about how they can get Working Tax Credit including how many hours they need to work to qualify.
Jobcentre Plus
Jobcentre Plus provides advice on finding work and has a database of available jobs.
Telephone: 0845 6043719.
Textphone: 0845 608 8551.
My Advice Gateway
My Advice Gateway is a free resource to help you quickly find the information you need to claim benefits, access help and support or look for a job or training.
Advice and assistance available from your Housing Association or Council Landlord
If you are a social housing tenant, your landlord probably has information on their website about local jobs and debt advice. The websites for some of the social landlords that operate in the area are shown below.