Yearly review

Each year, we are legally obliged to reasonably review accounts which are subject to a reduction due to a:

  • Discount
  • Disregard or
  • Exemption

In order to ensure the reduction continues to be applicable.

If you are in receipt of any of the above reductions on your Council Tax bill, you should receive a review form at some point during the financial year.

If you do not complete a review form that has been sent to you, we will assume your circumstances have changed, and your reduction will be removed from 1st April of the current financial year, or the date the reduction started if this is later.

If your circumstances have changed, but you have not yet been sent a review form, you can complete our online review form, or contact us to let us know about the change.

Review Forms

If you receive a discount and your circumstances change, and that change means that you would no longer be entitled to that discount, you must tell the Council Tax department within 21 days of the change. If you fail to do so you may be required to pay a penalty.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why have I been sent this letter?

We are reviewing the circumstances of people who are claiming a discount, disregard, reduction, relief or exemption. Please notify us of your current circumstances relating to this.

Why have we been sent two forms to complete?

We have needed to send two review forms for each liable parties/residents involved in the discount/Exemption application so these can be reviewed individually

How do I complete the form?

Fill in all the sections that are applicable to you/your circumstances then sign and return the form. A copy of the completed and signed form can be emailed to

Please complete the form as soon as you can after you have received it, remembering to return with any supporting evidence that the form asks you for.

Alternatively, you can return via post to:

Mid Sussex Revenue & Benefits
PO Box 10607

What happens if I do not complete the form?

It will be assumed that your situation has changed and therefore this will result in the removal of your discount, disregard, relief, reduction or exemption with effect from 1st April of the current financial year or the date the discount commenced if later.

You will receive a new adjusted bill as confirmation that it has been removed, and advising the amount of your new instalments.

What happens if the form is returned after the 21 day deadline given?

If the form is not returned on time and in order for us to reconsider your entitlement, please either complete the form or reminder and return this to us as soon as possible

What should I do if someone is using my address for correspondence only?

Include their name and full residential address so we can look into the matter further. This may mean that we will need to contact you for further information, so please ensure all contact details are provided.

I've already informed you of a change in circumstances. Do I still need to complete the form?

Yes, please include all the details of your current situation.

I receive mail for the previous occupants, what should I do about this?

You need to write on the envelope that the person no longer lives at the address and return it to the sender.

What should I do if my circumstances are not covered in the examples above?

Take a look at other information on our website for details of other discounts, disregards, relief reductions or exemptions that may apply. Alternatively email the Revenues team explaining your circumstances.

Please note that you'll still be required to complete the review form as requested above.

Last updated: 11 March 2025