What to do if you are sleeping rough

If you are sleeping rough, please contact the Housing Options Team. Information can be found on our Homelessness and Housing advice page.

You can also search the Homeless Link website for the following:

  • Hostels
  • Day centres
  • Services
  • Advice and support

How to help a rough sleeper

You can let us know about a rough sleeper by visiting the Streetlink website.

How we help rough sleepers

  • We aim to work closely with individuals rough sleeping in the local area to support and encourage them into sustainable accommodation.
  • We encourage residents to report rough sleepers through the central Streetlink referral system.
  • We work with Turning Tides to provide outreach floating support to rough sleepers in the Mid Sussex area.

We are not under a legal duty to provide emergency accommodation for everyone who is sleeping rough. However, rough sleepers are encouraged to work with us and Turning Tides to access all their housing options. We may arrange short term accommodation for people sleeping rough during severe weather conditions.

Contact us

The Housing Options Team
Email: housingadvice@midsussex.gov.uk

Last updated: 21 August 2023