Social Housing FAQs
Your questions answered
If you can't find the information you are looking for - please contact The Homemove Team using the details at the bottom of this page.
Sussex Homemove is the choice-based lettings scheme used by most councils in East and West Sussex.
It's for home-seekers looking for social housing for the first time as well as for existing tenants wanting to move address.
Please visit our Apply for social housing page and fill in the online form.
If you require additional support to apply please contact HomeMove.
This is the printable version of the form and will need to be printed and completed if you are unable to complete the interactive form online.
Please visit our Apply for social housing page and fill in the online form.
If you require additional support to apply please contact HomeMove.
For older people who want to register online, please take a look at the Family Mosaic Outreach support program.
It is a list of people looking for social housing in Mid Sussex.
The register is run by the Homemove team at Clarion Housing Group in partnership with 20 housing associations in our district.
Housing associations are non-profit making organisations who provide affordable homes to people in housing need.
Some associations also provide low-cost home ownership under help-to-buy schemes.
The following housing associations are all members of the Mid Sussex Common Housing Register:
We will send you a welcome pack containing:
- Your membership number - needed to make a bid
- The housing band - A, B, C or D.
- Your Priority Date
Take a look at Homemove's How to Bid for Properties for more information.
Two to three weeks. If it doesn't arrive, please contact the Homemove Team using the information at the bottom of this page.
We will place you into one of four bands:
- Band A - emergency or urgent priority
- Band B - high priority
- Band C - medium priority
- Band D - no housing need but interested in affordable housing
Full band details can be found in the Council's Housing Allocation Scheme.
The date you:
- Registered with Homemove
- Moved into a higher band
- Are reinstated to the register
You must first raise this with the Homemove Team (contact details below) who will review your application informally.
If after this informal review you are still unhappy with the decision, you can request a formal review via the Housing Options Team Manager at Mid Sussex District Council.
You must request your review in writing within 21 days of the informal review being completed. You should explain why you don’t agree with the decision made.
You can write to the Housing Options Team Manager at or Mid Sussex District Council, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS
The Housing Options Team Manager or their deputy will then review all the information on your application and notify you of the final decision in approximately 8 weeks.
You can bid by logging on to the Homemove website - you will need your membership number.
Assisted bidding is available for vulnerable applicants.
Full details can be found in Homemove's Scheme Users Guide.
For more information about assisted bidding please contact the Homemove Team using the contact details at the bottom of the page
We advertise a wide variety of homes including:
- Adapted properties
- Ground floor accommodation for ease of access
- Sheltered accommodation
- Rural properties
- New housing developments
More details can be found in Homemove's Scheme Users Guide.
You can bid for up to three properties every fortnight.
The list is published on a Thursday. Bidding starts at 4pm and closes at 2pm the following Wednesday.
There is nothing to be gained by bidding early.
All bids will be considered.
Yes - before bidding closes you can change or withdraw your bid. Most applicants can also refuse offers
You will be contacted by the housing association who will advise you of any additional information they may require.
Generally you will have 24 hours to accept or refuse the offer after a viewing.
You will not be contacted if your bid is unsuccessful. However, Sussex Homemove publish information on the number of bids received and the priority Band of the successful bidder.
Yes - but you may be given less priority.
It is important that you keep your rent payments up to date or to pay any money owed on a past tenancy.
Please take a look at our Homeswap page for more information.
Contact us
The Homemove Team
Tel: 01444 477486
The Housing Needs Team
Tel: 01444-477574