Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity is the variety of all living things including species, habitats and ecosystems.

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is an approach to planning and land management that leaves the natural environment in a better state than it was before. BNG will deliver measurable improvements for biodiversity by enhancing or creating new habitats in association with development.

The Council is committed to protecting, conserving and enhancing our natural environment and BNG will help to deliver the objective set out in the Sustainable Economy Strategy to improve, manage and promote biodiversity and nature recovery.

We are currently considering how best to implement BNG and we will be publishing guidance to help guide you through the process.

Government guidance on biodiversity net gain can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Why is BNG important?

There has been and continues to be a significant decline in biodiversity in the UK. This is despite legislation and policy to protect biodiversity and wildlife. Whilst designated nature conservation sites and priority habitats are of significant value, the overall ecological network of habitats and species is important for biodiversity and nature recovery.

Measures to benefit nature including BNG can also have positive effects on other priorities and goals. For example, BNG will contribute to access to greenspace, place-making and improvements to air quality which are all important for health and wellbeing. It will also help to increase resilience to the effects of climate change.

The requirement for BNG does not alter the existing legal requirements and protections for the natural environment such as protecting important habitats and species.

Is BNG mandatory?

From 12 February 2024, all major planning permissions granted in England will have to deliver a minimum of 10% BNG under the Environment Act 2021. BNG will be mandatory for small sites from 2 April 2024. Certain developments are exempt from BNG.

You will need to submit information on BNG with the planning application and, if granted planning permission, a Biodiversity Gain Plan showing how BNG will be achieved must be approved by us prior to commencement of development.

In addition to national requirements, there are also local requirements for the validation of planning applications. These are set out in the Local List.

The National Planning Policy Framework (paragraphs 180, 185 and 186) refers to net gains for biodiversity as do the site allocation policies in the Site Allocations DPD. Adopted District Plan Policy DP38: Biodiversity also refers to ensuring development contributes and takes opportunities to improve, enhance, manage and restore biodiversity and green infrastructure, so that there is a net gain in biodiversity.

How is BNG calculated and assessed?

BNG is calculated using the approved Biodiversity Metric which measures the biodiversity value of habitats in ‘biodiversity units’ as a proxy for nature. The Biodiversity Metric is used to assess how a development might change the biodiversity value of a site. It can help to inform the design, layout and management of a site to support biodiversity.

The application of BNG will require ecological expertise to interpret the inputs and outputs of the Biodiversity Metric.

How is BNG delivered?

Biodiversity net gain can be delivered on-site, off-site or through a combination of on-site and off‑site measures following the biodiversity gain hierarchy. It is also expected that the implementation of BNG should align with the local objectives and priorities for biodiversity improvements and nature recovery. Off-site BNG should also ideally be located in Mid Sussex District as close to the development site as possible so that local communities benefit from enhanced biodiversity and nature is given an opportunity to recover.

BNG should be meaningful; it should deliver demonstrable benefits for biodiversity both in the planning application process and in its ongoing implementation.

Appropriate funding, management and contingency arrangements will need to be in place to look after BNG for a minimum of 30 years.

Discharge of the BNG Condition

Following grant of planning permission, a development subject to the general biodiversity gain condition cannot be commenced until it has been discharged. To discharge the planning condition a Biodiversity Gain Plan is required to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Council.

Biodiversity Gain Plan

The completed Biodiversity Gain Plan must set out how the biodiversity gain objective of at least a 10% gain will be achieved. There is a standard biodiversity gain plan template published by Defra that should be completed. The following supporting documents will also need to be submitted along with the Biodiversity Gain Plan:

  • A completed statutory biodiversity metric submitted in an editable Excel format.
  • For significant on-site enhancements and off-site gains, a Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) setting out how the habitat will be managed for at least 30 years, and how this will be monitored. Natural England has created a Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan template which should be completed.
  • Pre-development and post-development plans showing the location of on-site habitat.
  • Biodiversity net gain register reference numbers and proof of purchase if off-site biodiversity units are being used (for example, from a habitat bank).
  • Proof of purchase if buying statutory biodiversity credits.

Further guidance on submitting a Biodiversity Gain Plan can be found on the GOV.UK website.

The Council will have 8 weeks (56 days) to approve the Biodiversity Gain Plan (unless another timescale is agreed).

The fee for the application to discharge the biodiversity gain condition is £145.

How is BNG monitored?

BNG will be monitored by the Council and enforced if necessary. Failure to comply with the general biodiversity gain condition by commencing development without approval of the Biodiversity Gain Plan will be a breach of planning control. The initial delivery and ongoing management of BNG will also be monitored and enforced if necessary.

The Council will charge monitoring fees through a section 106 planning obligation to cover the cost of monitoring and reporting duties over the 30 years.  In addition to the monitoring fees, legal fees will also be levied.

The BNG monitoring fees will increase as the scale of development increases and the categories of development are the same as the categories used for pre-application advice.

Application Type



Less than 10 dwellings or 1,000 sq m of commercial floorspace


10-49 dwellings or 1,000 sq m or more of commercial floorspace

Major Plus

50-149 dwellings

Super Major

150-499 dwellings or 5,000 sq m or more of commercial floorspace

Super Major Plus

500+ dwellings

For applications where neither dwellings nor commercial floorspace is relevant, the site area will be used to determine the BNG monitoring fee and the following categories will be applied:

Major – for a site area less than 10.0ha.

Super Major – for a site area 10.0ha or more.

The monitoring fees will be reviewed annually. The BNG monitoring fees for 2024/25 are as follows:



Major Plus

Super Major

Super Major Plus






There will also be a £1,000 inspection fee for checking the initial BNG set-up in Year 0.

What is the approach to BNG?

It is preferable to have a strategic approach for BNG so that BNG can be considered alongside wider priorities such as nature recovery, landscape, green infrastructure and resilience to the effects of climate change.

The mitigation hierarchy embedded in national policy should be followed and applied. This is where the impact on biodiversity should first be avoided, then minimised, then compensated as a last resort.

Higher levels of BNG (more than the minimum 10%) will be encouraged and developments should seek to maximise opportunities to deliver meaningful BNG.

Off-site biodiversity net gain for land managers

Land managers may wish to consider using their land for biodiversity net gain. Identifying land for off-site biodiversity net gain provides an opportunity to enhance your land for nature and may be an income stream to help manage the land for biodiversity.

A habitat bank is a gain site which is not linked to a particular development and usually provides biodiversity units for more than one development.

Land will need to be registered as a biodiversity gain site using the Government’s online service

Land provided for off-site biodiversity net gain will need to be legally secured for this purpose for a minimum of 30 years.

A planning obligation (by way of a section 106 legal agreement) with the local planning authority or a conservation covenant with a responsible body will need to be used to secure the land.

An ecologist will need to calculate how many biodiversity units are available for the site and you will need to decide a price for each biodiversity unit.

The Council is keen that off-site biodiversity net gain sites contribute to the wider biodiversity, habitat and nature recovery priorities so you are encouraged to talk to us about your plans.

How much does it cost?

If the Council enters into a section 106 legal agreement with you, we will charge fees for:

  • A set-up fee to cover the time we spend reviewing your proposal and drafting the legal agreement.
  • An inspection fee in Year 0 to check the initial BNG set-up (e.g. habitat creation).
  • A monitoring fee to cover the cost of monitoring and reporting duties over the 30 years.

Fees will be reviewed annually. The fees for 2024/25 are as follows:

Habitat bank set-up fee


Habitat bank inspection fee in Year 0


Habitat bank monitoring fee


Further information about off-site biodiversity net gain can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Available biodiversity gain sites (habitat banks)

The Council is unable to recommend third party biodiversity gain sites, however, once we have a legal agreement to secure land as a biodiversity gain site (habitat bank), we intend to list them here as potential providers of biodiversity units. Please note the provision of biodiversity units is an open market and there may be other options available.

Wildlife and Planning

For information about the requirements for great crested newts, please see the Wildlife and Planning page.

For information about the requirements for planning applications within 7km of Ashdown Forest, please see the Protecting Ashdown Forest page.

Other biodiversity enhancements can also be important. Measures to help wildlife in your garden or development include:

  • Bird boxes and roosts
  • Bat boxes
  • Swift bricks
  • Bee bricks
  • Insect hotels/ bug hotels
  • Hedgehog highways
  • Native wildflower planting with nectar- and pollen-rich flowers
  • Rain gardens
  • Adding water including a pond if you have space
  • Keeping existing trees, hedgerows and streams
  • Creating wildlife corridors and providing links to other areas of green space
  • Lighting designed to avoid disturbing and harming wildlife
Last updated: 17 January 2025