Listed Buildings
There are over 1,000 listed buildings in Mid Sussex. These are buildings of special architectural or historic interest.
Works to listed buildings and development within conservation areas (Designated Heritage Assets) are governed by statute. The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and national policy within the NPPF requires that special regard is given to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest and great weight be given to the asset’s conservation. If your proposal involves works to or affecting the setting of a Listed Building or within a Conservation Area, you are strongly advised to seek pre-application advice from the Council before submitting your application. Pre-application advice may be requested by using the link below:
How do I find out if a building is listed?
Please visit the National Heritage List for England searchable database.
It includes:
- Listed buildings
- Scheduled monuments
- Registered parks and gardens
- Registered battlefields
- Protected wreck sites
What requires listed building consent?
Listed buildings are protected under the Planning (Listed buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
The listing covers:
- The interior and exterior of the building
- Any structure within the curtilage of the listed building dating from before 1st July 1948
Please visit Historic England for more information on Listed Buildings and curtilage
Do I need consent for alterations to listed buildings?
Listed building consent is required for any alterations which affect the special interest of the listed building.
Work needing consent can range from removing an internal feature to adding an extension.
We suggest getting a professionally qualified person with experience of listed buildings to act on your behalf and supervise the work when carrying out repairs.
The type of work that needs Listed Building Consent includes:
- Extensions
- Any demolition
- Replacement windows including secondary glazing
- Stripping out internal plaster work to walls or ceilings
- Repairs not carried out in matching materials
- Exposing timbers and brickwork previously hidden behind plaster or limewash
- Removal or alteration to internal features such as doors, cupboards, panelling and fireplaces
- Changes to the layout of internal rooms
- New plumbing - where this has an impact on the listed building
- Painting of unpainted surfaces - where this will have a visual impact and affect the character of the listed building
Please note: This list is for guidance only. Contact the planning department if there is any doubt as to whether Listed Building Consent is required.
Advice on alterations to listed buildings.
Historic England provide an extensive range of advice and guidance on its website which may be accessed from the link below:
It is strongly recommended that you consider relevant guidance and seek pre-application advice from us before submitting your application.
Double glazing to listed buildings:
Specific advice is available from Historic England on alterations to windows to traditional buildings, such as installation of secondary or double glazing:
Traditional Windows: their care, repair and upgrading | Historic England
Please note that the installation of double glazing, including slimline double glazing, to the historic core of listed buildings may be considered contentious. You are advised to seek pre-application advice in this respect.
It is a criminal offence to carry out any work that affects the character of the building without obtaining the necessary consent.
Can I make an application to get a building listed?
Yes. The decision to list a building is not made by the Council but by Historic England.
Please use the Historic England online nomination form to suggest a building for listing.
Guidance on the listing process is available on the Historic England website.
Contact us
Tel: 01444-477385