The Council is committed to ensuring that as much data as possible is published under the Transparency Agenda. Our Open Data page contains a mixture of downloadable data and links to other areas of the website where you can find the relevant data we are required to publish. Where the data is provided in spreadsheets we are supplying this in .xlsx format, so that you can filter the data easily. If you require the files in a different format, simply download and save in that format, for example: .csv

Please select a heading to view the data/link.


Contracts Register (as of 05/03/2025) - updated monthly. The Register contains Contracts and purchase orders over £5000. There may be some duplication as contract payments will be included in the purchase order listings.

Invitations to Tender 

Payments to suppliers over £500 - updated quarterly 

Information Governance

Data Requests (Oct 2024) includes FOI and EIR  requests - updated quarterly

Local Authority land

Local Authority land - June 2024 (updated annually)


Parking account (2014-2023) - updated annually

Parking spaces (2024) - updated annually

Last updated: 05 March 2025