Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents

Affordable Housing SPD

The Affordable Housing SPD provides detailed information on the requirements for on-site and off‑site affordable housing provision.

Affordable Housing SPD (2018)

Background Documents

Design Guide SPD

The Design Guide is intended to inform and guide the quality of design for all development across Mid Sussex District. It sets out a number of design principles to deliver high quality new development that responds appropriately to its context and is inclusive and sustainable.

The Mid Sussex Design Guide covers the following types of development:

  • Urban extensions (residential-based developments)
  • Brownfield sites / urban infill / mixed-use developments
  • Rural developments
  • New dwelling design (houses and apartments)
  • Residential extensions
  • Building conversions
  • Commercial buildings / business parks / industrial estates

Mid Sussex Design Guide SPD (2020)

Background Documents

Development Infrastructure and Contributions SPD

The Development Infrastructure and Contributions SPD sets out the overall framework for planning obligations (including contributions).

It is intended to keep the contributions updated to ensure they reflect cost inflation. To inform the contributions, the District Council continues to engage with infrastructure providers on their infrastructure requirements.

The SPD has been updated (October 2019) following requests from West Sussex County Council in relation to new parking guidance, and from the CCG and Sussex Police in relation to their s106 calculators.

For information on the current Ashdown Forest mitigation contributions, please visit the Protecting Ashdown Forest webpage.

Development Infrastructure and Contributions SPD (2018)

Background Documents

Development Viability SPD

The Development Viability SPD provides information on the viability assessment process.

Development Viability SPD (2018)

Background Documents

Other Planning Documents

High Weald AONB Housing Design Guide

The High Weald Housing Design Guide was prepared by the High Weald National Landscape (AONB) Partnership, which includes the 15 local authorities with land in the AONB, to support the objectives of the High Weald AONB Management Plan. The High Weald Housing Design Guide aims to give succinct, practical and consistent advice to set clear design expectations for new housing development within the High Weald AONB, to help ensure higher quality and landscape-led design that reflects intrinsic High Weald character, and is embedded with a true sense of place, without stifling innovation and creativity. Importantly, the High Weald Housing Design Guide is not solely focused on the appearance or style of individual buildings, but rather it is about creating successful places in terms of layout, grain and massing of development.

High Weald AONB Housing Design Guide (2019)

High Weald AONB Management Plan

The High Weald National Landscape (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) is an area of land protected for its outstanding natural beauty. The statutory purpose of the landscape designation is to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area, and AONBs have the highest status of protection nationally in relation to landscape and scenic beauty. Nearly 50% of Mid Sussex District is within the High Weald National Landscape.

The High Weald AONB Management Plan is the policy for looking after the High Weald National Landscape in order to achieve the statutory purpose of conserving and enhancing the High Weald AONB. The Management Plan covers a range of local authority functions, and in particular it can be used to guide environmental land management and climate change strategies.

The Management Plan is a material consideration in the planning process, including plan-making, site allocations and assessing the impact of development proposals or other changes on the High Weald AONB.

High Weald AONB Management Plan

The High Weald National Landscape (AONB) website


High Weald National Landscape (AONB): Dark Skies Planning Advice Note
The High Weald Dark Skies Planning Advice Note has been prepared in collaboration with the 15 local authorities in the High Weald, and aims to support those objectives of the AONB Management Plan which seek to protect the dark skies of the High Weald.
The Planning Advice Note is a technical piece of guidance, aimed specifically at helping local authority planning officers to assess lighting proposals in the High Weald, and help planning policy teams consider dark skies in their policy formulation and site allocations. The Planning Advice Note should also help scheme designers to submit well-informed and place-appropriate lighting proposals.
Parking Guidance

West Sussex County Council has published guidance on parking at new developments (September 2020) and a car parking demand calculator with an accompanying ward map.

Please note that some made neighbourhood plans in Mid Sussex contain a policy on parking standards.

Sustainable drainage systems

Information on sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) can be found on the West Sussex County Council website.

South East England authorities have prepared guidance for sustainable drainage for all types of residential, commercial and industrial development. Consideration of the movement of water at the earliest stage of the planning and design process is crucial to the success of SuDS and allows wider benefits to be achieved.

Water People Places - A guide for master planning sustainable drainage into development 


Last updated: 27 January 2025